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Complaints relating to Content

Any complaint relating to content of any news brand owned and operated by EMG PVT LTD (List of current news brands available here) , shall be made by a person aggrieved within a reasonable time not exceeding 7 (seven) days from the date of first publishing of the news article. Following person has been appointed by the company. Their details as follows:


Contact Person :

Mr. Amitabh Shukla

Designation :

Compliance Officer

Address :

EMG India

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1202 1C First City Mihan Nagpur MH 441108

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180 Sansome ST STE 200 San Francisco CA 94104


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News Brands List Available here.

Readers are encouraged to go through the code of ethics for digital news publishers and their standards before making a complaints.

Alternatively, you can use the form below to send us your message.
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